area,sel,sleep,song,nocode都是什么意思 song是什么意思

2024-05-02 1329 明贵知识网

o code,area,sel,sleep,song,no code O代码,地区,选择,睡眠,歌曲,无码 双语对照 例句:

1. In this mode, the processor can still run the bios code ( including the important disk I/o functions) but can also perform access to a higher memory space. 在此模式中,处理器仍可以运转bios代码(连同重要的磁盘i/o),同时可以访问更高的地址范围。

2. This trial and error process will be frustrating at times, but will prove to be a good wayto see how different elements of code work together to construct o a web page. 虽然这种不断摸索的过程时常令人沮丧,但是它是观察不同的代码元素之间如何组合在一起构成一个网页的好办法。

